Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HRMUN Diary, 2011.

Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); H.R. College of Commerce and Economics - Our College stands in truly prestigious company as it plays host to an international Model United Nations (MUN) conference on its campus. Furthermore, HRMUN is widely regarded as the second largest MUN in Asia!

Under the careful supervision of our charismatic principal Dr. Indu Shahani and a dedicated Secretariat, HRMUN was a magnificent event exemplified by its diverse group of delegates, unique committees and dedicated teams of logistics and hospitality.

For our not-so-well-informed readers who are wondering what in the world a MUN is- a Model UN Conference is an educational simulation of the actual United Nations. During a Model United Nations conference, students take on the roles of foreign diplomats and participate in a simulated session of an intergovernmental organization (IGO). It is very much a 21st century phenomenon in India and the popularity of MUN’s, the concept, has been skyrocketing over the past few years amongst schools and colleges. Participants research a country, take on a role as a diplomat, they investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world issues. During a simulation they must employ a variety of communication and critical thinking skills to defend and advance the policies of their country.

After the tremendous success of HRMUN 2007 which attracted an impressive 350 delegates from over 40 colleges across the country, the organizers of the 2011 edition were inspired to dream bigger at the dawn of the new decade. Finally, after months of careful planning and preparation which included extensive e-mail and telephone correspondence with delegates and sponsors alike, the 13th of January dawned upon us with a palpable air of anticipation filling the colorful corridors of the HR College. The day had finally arrived! Ensuing months of meetings which went late into the night, phone bills which dug deep into their pockets and countless hours spent researching on the internet, the members of the Secretariat looked visibly relieved on the morning of the 13th, pleased that the mega-event was finally underway! As for the delegates, they looked keen to get on with the formalities of an opening ceremony and were eager to put their extensive research into words. Mind you, a few delegates looked visibly bored and sleep-deprived (not from hours of research, I assure you!) and they would face the consequences of the same once they entered their respective committees.

The opening ceremony, in itself, was a sight to behold. The several hundred suit-clad individuals present in the auditorium would have done any Raymond connoisseur proud. Besides them, numerous dignitaries from the consulates of various nations gave proceedings a truly international feel. After a slight delay, the chief guest, MD and Chairman of YES Bank, Mr. Rana Kapoor, was escorted onto the stage by our Principal. After the formalities of appointing the members of the Secretariat with their respective positions and opening speeches by the Secretary-Generals Rishabh Shah and Sanchit Gulabani, the audience was treated to some inspiring words by Mr. Kapoor, Dr. Shahani and the French consulate general- Mr. Francois Pujolas. This was followed by short addresses by dignitaries from USA, China, Russia, Iran, Spain and several others. As one keen onlooker aptly pointed out, “It feels like we are sitting in a session of the United Nations General Assembly here in the HR College. This is unbelievable!”

On the first day of Committee, delegates were briefed on procedure and their topic areas. Some light-hearted introductions were observed in each committee. At the end of the first day, all eyes turned to the HR Terrace for ‘Global Village’ a multicultural event meant to serve as an icebreaker for the delegates and also to spread awareness of our unity in diversity. Participants would readily vouch for the positive effect this had on all ensuing dialogue and debate. The HR Terrace was set alight by this show of dance, music and cuisine and the evening ended on an excellent note.

Day Two saw hours of heated debate and deliberation, interrupted only by the afternoon lunch break. For example, the World Bank Forum discussed the grave predicament of the world economy, the declining role of the US dollar and the possibility of a ceremony new international currency. The Human Rights Council (HRC) feverishly debated the issue of legalization of prostitution while the FIFA Committee, filled with passionate football fanatics- discussed the need for goal-line technology in the beautiful game. Similarly, each committee from the Futuristic Security Council (FSC) to the Indian Union Cabinet (IUC) dealt with their topic area in a professional manner. Even those who were participating in a MUN for the first time didn’t seem as disturbed and delusional as expected. Through all of this, a well-directed team of reporters known as the Press Corps marched through the hallways, writing articles and capturing moments worth remembering throughout the MUN. The Press serves its purpose of portraying the critical role the media plays in international affairs and also helps keep delegates on their toes (and off their cell phones!) during long sessions in Committee. They printed several issues of their newsletter ‘Six Feet Under’ which was distributed to every delegate and was arguably the heartbeat of the conference. Another highlight of the event was when the Human Rights Council was addressed by a guest speaker Mr. Robert Swan, an Englishman who had walked to both the north and the south poles and has made tremendous progress towards his aim of curbing global warming. His inspiring words left many speechless and determined to take a more active role towards attaining whatever it is they felt strongly about.

At the end of Day Three, almost every Committee had successfully passed a resolution and was left enveloped in a spirit of nostalgia reminiscent of the three eventful days spent at the HRMUN. Proceedings ended with a closing ceremony where those delegates who performed excellently were felicitated for their efforts. As one cheerful delegate said to me during the closing ceremony, having just received an award, “It has really been an excellent three days! Top class! Thanks to all of you HR organizers! By the way, when can we apply for the next HRMUN?”

NOTE: The above report was written for my college magazine, "The HR Voyager."

Keep an eye on the Blog for a couple of new short stories I've written, out soon!