Thursday, July 22, 2010

Frozen Thoughts.

This is the second in a series of articles by Shoaib Sumar about life and the contemporary world. In this light-hearted panorama, we discuss the world's most-loved dessert- Ice-Cream! I don't mean to be too figurative when I say this, but this one is miles apart from my last note titled "Earth to Self: "Its time to Joga Bonito!". It reflects the writer's versatility as it differs greatly in style and content.

I don't cry over spilt milk, but a fallen scoop of ice-cream is enough to ruin my whole day!

The Online Dictionary defines ice-cream as "A dessert made from frozen sweetened cream or a similar substance, usually flavoured" This definition, to me, seems rather incomplete. Under no circumstances can the world deny the sheer emotional value that comes attached to a bowl of ice-cream. Let me illustrate further. It serves as an incredible anti-depressant, an unbelievably good tear-stopper for kids, and a great companion on a Saturday night watching a game of football, and you know it! Yet, The Online Dictionary, in its definition, dismisses it as a mere physical commodity. To put it simply, Ice-cream can be defined accurately in two words "Happiness condensed"

Historically, the origins of ice-cream can be traced as far back as the 4the century B.C where Roman Emperor Nero ordered ice to be brought down from the mountains and served with a variety of fruit toppings. Not surprisingly, China too lays claim to the invention of the frozen dessert with records of King Tang of Shang (what a name!) having a method of creating ice and milk concoctions. Wow, so ice-cream too was 'Made in China'. Once ice-cream reached North America in the 1700s it really took off and became popular among the wealthy merchants. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson reportedly served it to all their royal guests. Only in the early 19th century did ice-cream parlors become popular with common folk. Okay, that's enough for today's history lesson.

Did you know that Chocolate Syrup is the world's favourite topping on ice-cream and Vanilla, the world's favourite flavour according to extensive surveys conducted world-wide. Vanilla? Yes, I'm serious.

Another popular myth surrounding ice-cream is that it can only be truly enjoyed in hot weather. Rubbish, in my opinion. Not just in mine, the list of 'Top 10 Ice-cream consuming countries' blatantly quashes this myth. Its no surprise that the United States tops this list- with a Hagen Dazs or Ben n Jerry's at every street corner, why wouldn't they? The surprise lies in the fact that 8 other countries on the 10-member list, (Australia being the one exception) are what we consider 'Cold Countries'. Yes, New Zealand, Denmark, Belgium/Luxembourg, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Ireland and Switzerland make up the other 8 countries. Clearly, ice-cream consumption has no relation to weather, the barometer here, is undoubtedly, economic prosperity.

As time progressed, ice-cream pioneers decided to penetrate into the more price-sensitive segments of the market. This, along with other factors such as the widespread availability of machinery and raw materials led to a sharp decline in the exclusivity of ice-cream during the 20th century. Soon every Tom, Dick and Harry (remember Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in the third Harry Potter book?) was eating ice cream and loving it!

Now to the issue of flavours. My personal favourite is Baskin Robin's Gold Medal Ribbon- introduced in 1979, 'GMR' is undoubtedly a world-beater. Lets say, an ice-cream equivalent of the Spanish football team. The sumptuous combination of rich chocolate and vanilla enshrined by a ribbon of caramel is guaranteed to salivate the mouths of even a hard-hearted, ice-cream loathing Communist! I am an Indian citizen and am sincerely disappointed by the quality, or lack of the same, of Indian ice-cream. The only half-decent Indian chain of ice-creams is Natural's. Sad, but true.

At this point, I would like to reiterate in the minds of our readers, that Chocolate Syrup is the world's favourite ice-cream topping.

So next time you enter a Baskin Robin's or open a tub of Natural's Chocobite, take a moment to solemnly remember- what you are about to eat is something special. Treasure it. And don't regret the calories!
Good day.


  1. Your style and technique of writing is so diverse! Mashallah you are blessed with an ability to write witty, informative articles and stories which not only display confidence and imagination but also show a flair for all the different aspects of using the written word. Look forward to more from you in the near future - will definitely be watching this space....

  2. Icecream...not my favourite dessert but I will be taking it seriously after reading your article...very well done Shoaib.

  3. why did you put a picture of ice cream???
    im fasting and now i WANT ice cream.
    so you owe me one baskin robbins ice cream okay?
