Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mumbai: The City Above.

Okay, I'm not much of a poet. But here's a sonnet I had to write at an inter-college event.....
The City Above.
Seven islands, once a gift.
Today a city, engulfed with rift.
To Colaba, the Old Lady's Isle,
which boasts Causeway, bound to bring a smile.
To the folks who travel in trains,
an endless struggle during the rains.
To the beautiful necklace of the Queen,
and the folks walking there, trying to get lean.
To the Black Horse, standing tall.
Abode to festivities, for one and all.
To CCI, the city's high and mighty club,
once the home of Indian cricket, now the rich's hub.
And finally to the spirit of the city we love.
Once shaken, still standing, always above.