Monday, November 28, 2011

Learn to Play the United Way in Mumbai!

Have you ever seen professional footballers training on smooth green turfs and wondered, “Why am I stuck dodging cricket balls and anthills at Oval Maidan?” Have you ever complained that your coach doesn’t understand you? That he should learn from someone like Manchester United’s coach Sir Alex Ferguson? Have you ever dreamed of playing for a big Premier League club like, say, United or Chelsea? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you really have hit the jackpot, my friend.

Here’s the deal - Manchester United has tied-up with the Western India Football Association (WIFA) to bring its world renowned Soccer Schools program to India, the Cooperage ground in Mumbai to be more specific. Starting January 2012, Manchester United Soccer Schools (MUSS) offers a series of year-round skill development courses catering to a variety of age groups ranging from as young as 8-9 year-olds right up till 16-17 year-olds. The program wants you to actually feel like a professional footballer (a lot better than your ‘Be a Pro’ mode in FIFA12, I assure you) and at the same time, helps you to develop your game. They also promise you a lot of individual player-coach interaction, personality-building sessions and the opportunity to win a trip to England to play in the World Skills Final held at United’s Old Trafford stadium in front of 76,000 fans before an actual Premier League match kicks off!

The FUSE India Team was delighted to be present at the inauguration ceremony on a pleasant November evening, held at a Cooperage gleaming in the glory of its newly-laid artificial synthetic turf. The event was centred around the presence of one man – Manchester United CEO, Mr. David Gill. In case you don’t already know, he’s the guy who offers contracts to stars like Wayne Rooney and Chicharito. He’s the guy who all the players, coaches and management ultimately report to, he’s Sir Alex Ferguson’s boss. Now you know he’s got to be really important at Old Trafford.

Mr. Gill was welcomed by WIFA President and Member of Parliament, Mr. Praful Patel. The duo shared a light moment as Mr. Patel talked about how he had learnt to play football just across the road from the Cooperage at the Campion School in his youth. Eloquent speeches were made, followed by a candid question-and-answer session. The evening concluded with a demonstration by MUSS coaches, offering the unique opportunity of top-quality-training to a bunch of uncontrollably excited schoolchildren. Nothing beats the horrible feeling that the aged-eighteen-plus-folk, myself included, felt when we realised that we aren’t eligible for this glorious opportunity, as our feet itched to get some football boots on and have a kick-about. Young FUSE readers, listen and listen carefully - if you fancy yourself as a footballer, or even if you don’t and just like to sport, get involved.

Who knows? Maybe the next David Beckham is waiting to be discovered right here in Mumbai!  Log on to to enrol.